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Study of e-commerce in China

Study of e-commerce in China

China has recently become the largest e-commerce market globally, and after the technological revolution and its generalization, more than two million people are engaged in this e-commerce, thanks to modern and advanced electronic devices, which are smart phones, computers and more.

The study of e-commerce is one of the branches of business administration that is held electronically through the use of the Internet, which aims to carry out buying and selling transactions.

This specialization is defined as one of the business activities related to the exchange of services and goods and the performance of marketing operations electronically, as it is called by several other names such as e-business management .

In this article, we will explain all the information related to studying e-commerce in China and what are the fields of work after graduation.

What is the study of e-commerce in China?

The study of e-commerce in China is concerned with the fusion of a number of fields, which are business management and advanced modern technology side by side.It aims to produce distinguished students who have the ability to absorb modern technological developments and try to exploit them. to increase profits and take advantage of the company's position among its competitors.

What are the study materials for studying e-commerce?

The courses in this major vary between universities, and the names of the subjects differ from one university to another, but what should be noted is that in the end most universities seek to offer the same content academic, which includes these subjects:

  • Management information systems.

  • Principles of statistics.

  • Principles of microeconomics.

  • E-commerce databases.

  • E-commerce and electronic payment.

  • E-business models and processes.

  • Development of e-commerce systems.

  • Multimedia systems and applications.

  • Legal and ethical issues in e-commerce.

  • Commercial legislation.

  • E-commerce technologies.

  • Management of information systems projects.

  • Computer fundamentals.

  • E-commerce strategies.

  • Electronic commerce systems.

  • Marketing principles.

  • Accounting principles.

What is the importance of studying e-commerce in China?

  • This specialization grants its learners an accredited certificate with an esteemed position in society.

  • To provide ample suitable employment opportunities of prestigious status that are commensurate with cultural level and academic qualification.

  • The study of this specialty makes it possible to keep pace with modern technological developments.

  • Acquire many skills and practical experience in the field of electronics.

  • The field of e-commerce study has become one of the most important areas in which demand has increased in the job market.

  • The ability to design websites in the field of business administration.

  • This specialization helps its students obtain the opportunity to complete their studies and obtain a master's degree.

  • Graduates of this specialization are distinguished by high salaries and prestigious status.

  • This study helps to provide experiences that help to move forward on the path to success.

How long does it take to study e-commerce in China?

It is normal and usual that the study period of e-commerce in China takes an academic period of about 4 years, but a school leaving certificate can be obtained, and a bachelor's degree can be granted to the student in a period ranging from 3 years and 3 and a half years, since it depends on the number of hours and courses that the student registers in addition to that The need to complete the practical training and prepare the graduation project.

What areas of work are available after graduation?

There are many areas of work for graduates of this specialization, such as:

  • Open field work.

  • Work as an e-commerce business analyst.

  • Assume the position of manager for each of the following departments: Financial Manager - Production Manager - Sales Manager - Public Relations Manager.

  • Work as a management consultant.

What are the disadvantages of studying this major?

Each specialization has its pros and cons, which are:

  • Permanent exposure to extreme exertion and constant exhaustion.

  • Bored from a lot of writing and office work.

  • Negative view of graduates of this specialty.

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The Complete Guide to Studying in China

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Disadvantages of studying in China
